Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tai Chi with the Five Integrity ( Part 4 ) - Five Integrity

  4. MORAL
 These are the Five Integrity

Relating to efficiency and reality in doing Tai Chi form and Push hands, personally, physically, morally, martially, and spiritually.
Integrity n 1:State or quality of being complete,
undivided or unbroken, unimpaired, unmarred, sound, pure. 2: Free from corrupting influence, strict in the fulfillment of contracts, soundness, honesty.


On a personal level, you must be true to yourself, in the beginning, when learning the form, do not compare yourself to others. Many students worry about not getting it fast enough, or appearing clumsy. These concerns show up as tension in the mind and the body.

Others, who learn choreography easily, think that they are progressing faster than the others and begin to form an attitude. So, if you compare, you will seem to be inferior or superior, neither of which have anything to do with reality, and only serve to create tension and divert the student from real progress.

You are as you are, you have your own assets and liabilities and you must work with and from them.

People will start out with much different abilities in memory, suppleness, tension and spatial awareness. All these seem to equalize themselves, and in the long run, it turns out that positive thinking,perseverance, and thoughtfulness, produce the best results.

Give yourself a break, learn at your speed, enjoy the experience, lighten up.